The investment firms and equity analysts listed below provide research reports on Hudbay Minerals Inc (Hudbay).

Opinions, estimates, forecasts or other analyses, including prior or future Hudbay performance from any source is the opinion of the writer and is theirs alone and does not represent the opinions, estimates or forecasts of Hudbay or its management. Hudbay does not, by any reference below, imply any endorsement of, or concurrence with, such information, conclusions or recommendations.

Hudbay does not distribute research reports, and this list is current to the best of the Company's knowledge.

Firm Analyst Location
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Lawson Winder Toronto, CAN
Canaccord Genuity Dalton Baretto Toronto, CAN
CIBC World Markets Anita Soni Toronto, CAN
Cormark Securities Stefan Ioannou Toronto, CAN
Eight Capital Ralph Profiti Toronto, CAN
Haywood Securities Pierre Vaillancourt Toronto, CAN
Jefferies David Hove Toronto, CAN
John Tumazos Very Independent Research John Tumazos New Jersey, USA
National Bank Financial Shane Nagle Toronto, CAN
Paradigm Capital Jeff Woolley Toronto, CAN
Raymond James Farooq Hamed Toronto, CAN
RBC Capital Markets Sam Crittenden Toronto, CAN
Scotiabank Orest Wowkodaw Toronto, CAN
Stifel Cole McGill Toronto, CAN
TD Securities Craig Hutchison Toronto, CAN